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Transition theory
The theory started from the tormenting question for many, namely, how does God allow a two-year-old girl to be trampled on the head by a cistern? Will she get to heaven or not? What is the principle of selection? She has not yet had the opportunity to be bad or good or to know God. Over time I tried to find excuses, to invent reasons, to build a theory that would answer this question and at the same time keep the divine aspect, the purity, the innocence of a creator standing. I eliminated from the multitude of hypotheses that described God those that did not answer this question, no matter how attractive they were.
The theory does not answer the question of whether God exists or not, that is actually the essence of this theory, as if you don't know.
The idea would be that in fact all people are agnostic in reality. As believers and atheists only believe, they do not really know. The theory focuses on believers because it is easier to follow, but I think it applies to atheists as well.
No matter how faithful you are, you still have at least one doubt. Here there is another problem that the theory must solve. What happens to the "fools" who know for sure that God exists. Normally, being 100% faithful, they should have no reason not to go directly to heaven. But the question arises, would God want to have such people with him in heaven? (comparison: would you like your partner to love you unconsciously in their own way or would you really like them to love you consciously?). Somehow the theory must solve this problem and then the solution would be the existence of several parallel worlds or universes.
When you leave this world, you do not go directly to heaven or hell or non-existence. Go to the next one. The idea would be that you have to go through all the trials of existence: to die with a chainsaw, to love, to kill brutally, to be a beekeeper, to fall off a block, to fight King Kong, to fly, to fight with an alien invasion, to be a believer, to be an atheist, to die in a million ways as terrible or as peaceful as possible, to love in a million ways, to taste a million kinds of food, to be a soldier, to be a captain to be a general. The idea is to go through all the possible experiences because that's the only way you can reach a higher level of consciousness. Either way, it's clear that you can't achieve it in one lifetime. If in this life you were run over by a cistern, no problem, it adds to life experience, nothing is lost in the end, and in the next you have a chance at a family.
So if in this life you are faithful and have no doubts about the existence of God, the following lives take care to make you more aware. What this means? Here comes the third problem. The theory assumes that God specially left the world in such a way that no technology and no power of the mind can deduce with the mind or the soul if it exists 100%. There will always be a doubt. You can rationalize, you can listen to your heart and thus bring proof of existence, but you will never be able to know 100% if God exists or not.
A small trap is waiting from here. As I said, after you go through several lives you become more and more aware. And the fact that no matter how conscious (mentally or emotionally intelligent) you are, you cannot deduce 100% the existence of God.
In the end, after going through enough lives, you reach the last one. How much "enough" means depends on each individual, but in any case, if you have to go through a million lives then that's what will happen, the world is built in such a way that, like an automaton, when you pass you will know if you have reached the level maximum of consciousness. When you reach the maximum, you pass into the last existence (life, world). Here again lies a trap. In the last world you will have:
- infinite life, you will be physically immortal
- infinite space, you can physically go to infinity
- infinite matter, you can build an infinity of empires in an infinite space living forever
- infinite energy, you will have infinite energy to build them and cross the infinity of the universe.
Along with empires come family, love, wealth, friends, adventures, hunting dinosaurs and all kinds of aliens, everything your imagination can imagine you will be able to live.
Why is this a trap? It sounds so good. So let's not forget a very important thing. You are highly aware and mentally and emotionally intelligent. That means you will be the perfect skeptic, the total agnostic. Because from now on you can no longer believe without researching. But wait, as if I were saying that God left the world so that no enlightened mind can discern whether he exists for sure or not. And what does that mean, why is it important? Well, because for an eternity from now a question will grind you: does God exist or not? This infinity that I live, yes.., infinitely generous, is it a worldly, limited infinity? Is the frame that moves in a plane, which is infinite for it, all that is possible? Does she know that there can be a 3d life, a larger and more complex infinity?
So the problem of a man in the terminus world is the following: to live in a limited infinity or... or to try to see if there is no true infinity. What does this attempt mean? Suicide. Well, not the one blamed by the church. This is suicide in reverse. That accusation is to denounce life as not being ok. On the contrary, you do this with a feeling of regret that you have to give up.
So a man in the last stage will have to decide whether to live the telluric eternity or to make the transition. Here again the fact that you are now fully aware comes into play. Or you, if you are totally aware that you do not know 100% if God exists, then you have a big problem because you know very well and clearly that if you make the transition, it is not certain that you will get anywhere. You probably simply don't exist anymore. And there is no way back. You kicked an infinity, even as it is, telluric, but still an infinity. On the other hand, you again have a problem, that if you don't make the transition, and there would be a real infinity beyond, then this worldly infinity is a fixed pen, and you, being conscious, feel it to the marrow of your bones, it's a feeling that doesn't give you peace. So? What would you do, the one reading? What decision would you make if you reached that point?
Why would all this strategy be important to a God. To explain, I have to continue that comparison above.
Let's imagine a town with a few tens of thousands of inhabitants, and you are a very good-looking guy. In that town, you have several lovely wives whom you love, and several hundred other mistresses, babes, chicks and other forms of love and amor and etc. Everything is good for you, you are young, you have a big dick, you feel immortal and somehow fulfilled. But. It's as if something is still missing, something feels incomplete, as if you feel a void in your soul but you don't know exactly why. And one day, you receive an envelope, a letter in the envelope, an address is written on the letter. You go to that address, there is a house, you enter the house, you arrive in front of a door, behind the door a room. There is a chair in the room. But you haven't entered yet. And read the letter in front of the door.
The letter says this: behind this door is the love of your life, the one that will completely fulfill you. With her you will never need others, and you will never feel the need for another love. With her you will feel fulfilled. With her you will know NIRVANA. BUT. It is possible to walk into the room and the chair be empty. If this happens, you can't go back to your loves. Your sex and love life will end. Forever. What are you doing? what do you choose The limited love you have in the city, or do you risk losing everything for the chance to have true love?
Why is this important to HER? Well, think about it, from her perspective. You are that woman. You are in a room, sit on a chair. A gentleman walks into your house, leans in front of the door and reads the letter. Well, from here the following phenomenon happens. IF. If he walks into the room, with that huge risk of losing everything, what kind of man has he entered?? That man who would give up anything for you. But not anyway. Here is the essence of the whole theory. Because many would give up everything they have for true love. BUT NOT EVERYONE WOULD TAKE THE STEP AT THE RISK OF LOSING EVERYTHING. Well, only he and only he could offer you the supreme love to fill your void.
Returning to God. Let's imagine for a second that we are HIM and that we are sitting on the "throne" in heaven waiting. Looking at it from this angle, from his perspective. He is polite and patient, he goes about his business, he doesn't have HR to deal with hiring. The world he created does all the work. Let's not forget that he is the supreme architect. So he sits quietly in his work and a man walks into heaven. The question arises, what kind of man went to heaven? That man, that person made the ultimate gesture, gave up everything at the risk of turning into nothing, of disappearing altogether. And he is not a madman, because the madness was purified in the worlds he passed through. He is now fully conscious. And if he had taken the step in a moment of madness, he would have passed into another terminal world because he would have been considered unconscious.
What I wanted to get at is that God created an architecture that only makes heaven for people who have gone through all possible trials, who have reached a maximum level of consciousness, mental and emotional intelligence and who have given up the limited infinity for the true infinity with the risk of losing everything, with the risk of dying for real, in the fullness of the mental faculties. If that man manages to enter heaven, then he is already the right choice, the ideal candidate, he is what God needs.
The end.